Jagdish Public School is an institution providing effective leadership, professional staff and an environment conductive to holistic development of every child.
Our mission is to impart education with multi-dimensional aspects and train young minds to develop them as valuable assets of the society.
At J.P.S, we help the children to grow with clear values, good character, moral integrity, knowledge and skills of good citizens.
Thought of the day, talks given by students and teachers, devotional songs, the school prayer, patriotic songs sung during the morning assembly are intended to help students internalize their values.
To be successful a student should remain closely rooted to his culture.
Students imbibe culture values through the different inter-house activities.
Under supervision, number of programmer's are organized every year which help the students develop an understanding about their culture and tradition.

Principal's Message
JAGDISH PUBLIC SCHOOL is an amalgamation of competent teachers, state-of-the-art infrastructure and an experienced and efficient administration.
The school came into existence with the vision of creating a safe and supportive environment for its students – to provide a perfect balance of academics, sports, artistic and social opportunities.
Childhood, youth, and learning should be a joy, and we strive for that.
The School’s genuine concern ensures student’s emotional growth along with intellectual excellence.
This empowers them to develop their self-esteem, self-awareness, and self-confidence.
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Awards & Achievements
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